Our Work At Home

In addition to our global efforts, there is work to do right here at home. In New York City, Black women are up to 8 times more likely than White women to suffer a pregnancy-related death. To address this appalling disparity, Saving Mothers has recently launched NYC mPOWHER Program, a dual-track educational program that empowers pregnant women of color with the necessary tools and information to challenge and surmount the racism they too often encounter within the healthcare system, while we train their healthcare providers to listen more closely to their concerns so they can identify potential complications early on.

Women in developing nations are 43 times more likely to die during childbirth.

The Result

Countless numbers of preventable maternal deaths due to simple complications or unsanitary conditions. And too many newborns left without a mother.

No Access to Hospital

Up to 90% of women in low-resource settings still deliver outside of a hospital setting.

maternal deaths from preventable obstetric causes

Up to 73% of global maternal deaths are from preventable obstetric causes, leading 830 women to die everyday from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth

10 Years In The Making


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