Bake Sale
Organizing a charity Bake Sale at your school or college is a great way to raise awareness of Saving Mothers' work among your peers and raise money for us at the same time. And you - and all participants - can earn community service hours for your efforts! If possible, try to align the timing of the Bake Sale to coincide with either International Women's Day (March 8th) or Mother's Day for maximum exposure. Just be sure to involve your Dean and/or Director of Student Affairs in planning the event to ensure the best results.
Here are some ideas about how to structure the event:
- Volunteers: The student group can delegate which members will be the designated bakers, and the members dedicated to organizing donations, handling publicity, setting up tables and/or the booth, selling goods, collecting money, and cleaning up.
- Be sure to organize a donation sign-up: Be sure to be specific in what baked goods will be needed for the sale straight from the start. So as not to end up with all "chocolate cakes," make sure you know what is being donated. Pass out individual sign-up sheets with a list of the needed items. Ask for a first and second choice of what is being donated. Get names and phone numbers so that the person can be contacted to remind them of their donation and to specify which baked good is needed.
- Be mindful of health restrictions: Each baked good donated should have an index card attached that has the name of the dish and a list of non-obvious and/or outstanding ingredients (such as coconut, nuts, candied or dried fruits or strawberries).
- Don't be limited to the typical bake sale: Try to coordinate donations of specially packaged baked goods that the buyer can give away as gifts. Offering special recipes or baked goods in decorated jars would be the perfect sale.
Sell refreshments to raise even more money!
Funds raised should be directed to:
Saving Mothers
555 Madison Avenue, Suite 513
New York, N.Y. 10022
Let these fundraising success stories inspire your next bake sale.

The Phi Lambda Psi chapter, a woman’s health sorority, of Washington University generously chose Saving Mothers as their philanthropy organization for this semester! Amazingly, they raised $200 for Saving Mothers in one day through a donut sale!

Brown University students raise funds for Saving Mothers through a bake sale in the winter of 2017.

Seton Hall M.S.P.A. sold coffee and baked goods as part of their yoga event in 2018. A bake sale can be a stand-alone fundraiser or combined with another pop-up project!