Saving Mothers is a nonprofit dedicated to improving maternal health worldwide. Saving Mothers provides supplies, training, and direct medical care in Guatemala, Kenya, the Dominican Republic, and the U.S. to improve maternal health care and ensure happy, healthy deliveries. To donate or learn more visit savingmothers.org
Maternal health by the numbers:
1 woman dies every 90 seconds due to pregnancy and childbirth-related complications — the equivalent of three jumbo jets full of women crashing every day.
343,000 women die in the process of becoming mothers every year, making maternal mortality a major human rights violation.
99% of maternal deaths occur in the developing world.
10 is the number of times more likely it is for an orphaned newborn to die in their first two years of life.
30 women experience childbirth-related injury or infection for every one woman who dies in the process.
90% of women in developing countries deliver their babies outside of a hospital setting
60% deliver without the aid of a midwife or health professional, relying instead on untrained family and friends.
75% of neonatal deaths around the globe are completely preventable through low-tech and low-cost solutions