Saving Mothers in the United States

Obesity is rising in the United States, an epidemic that causes a threat to pregnant women.  Obese pregnant women face serious complications during pregnancy and delivery including preeclampsia, increased likelihood of cesarean section, and increased risk of infection. Fortunately these complications can be averted by encouraging women to moderate weight gain during pregnancy with proper nutrition and fitness practices throughout pregnancy.

In order to tackle this growing issue, Saving Mothers has created a Lifestyle Modification Program for women with a body mass index of 30 or higher who are at risk of developing complications during pregnancy and labor. Patients who enroll in this program can attend both individual counseling sessions and group seminars that combine lifestyle and diet recommendations with a peer-centered support system. During these seminars, participants learn from and support each other in their healthy lifestyles. In addition they will receive tools like healthy cookbooks, grocery store certificates, and tips on green markets. They will also receive instruction on low-cost exercise options, pedometers, exercise videos, water bottles and food diaries. The goal is to help them limit their pregnancy weight gain to no more than 15 pounds.

By reducing the weight gain during pregnancy, we can reduce the risk of putting the mother and baby in danger.

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