1st Week of the School of POWHER

We are very excited to welcome this new class of POWHER students, as this year the School of POWHER is being taught and run by graduates from the first class in 2014.

All our educators and preceptors are local comadronas who not only completed our program in 2014 but also have continued to be a part of our initiatives as volunteers since graduation. It is truly amazing to have a school for comadronas run by comadronas.
Many are now on the local board of the Santiago Comadronas and were nominated by their elders. This is an honor for them as well as for Saving Mothers. We also changed our recruitment process and this year identified comadronas from the more rural towns with the least number of resources.
Our school has finally grown up and is becoming more sustainable as time goes by. We are making history and changing lives for these women living in indigenous towns in Guatemala!



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