Alice Paul: Feminist, Suffragist, and Political Strategist

Happy Sunday! We are still inspired by the March 6th event on the politics of global women’s health at NYU. Something that really stood out to us was Congresswoman Maloney’s talk on the equal rights amendment.

The equal rights amendment would give equal rights to both women and men. The equal rights amendment, however, has NEVER been passed in congress, and there is currently nothing in the constitution that gives equal rights to women and men. Congresswoman Maloney has been advocating in congress for the addition of the amendment to the constitution.

Who first created the equal rights amendment? Alice Paul. Another woman to celebrate for #womenshistorymonth. Alice Paul first created the equal rights amendment in 1923. She was a feminist, suffragist, and political strategist who dedicated her life to the single cause of securing equal rights for all women.

Few individuals have had as much impact on American History as has Alice Paul. Her life symbolizes the struggle for justice in the United States and the world that we are still fighting for today.

Happy Women’s History Month and thank you to Alice Paul for her dedication to women’s rights.

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