Almost half of U.S. Adults have HPV

Almost half of U.S. adults have HPV, the virus responsible for causing genital warts and cervical cancer, and the most commonly sexually transmitted infection in the U.S. Know your body, advance your health. Read the full article here:

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Trump has defunded UN Population Fund

All funding to the UN’s Family Planning Agency has been cut. This is truly detrimental to the lives of women globally. The agencies funding has prevented an estimated 320,000 unintended pregnancies, averted almost 100,000 unsafe abortions, prevented about 10,000 maternal deaths, and enabled about 800,000 people to have access to contraception. And this was just…

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1st Week of the School of POWHER

We are very excited to welcome this new class of POWHER students, as this year the School of POWHER is being taught and run by graduates from the first class in 2014. All our educators and preceptors are local comadronas who not only completed our program in 2014 but also have continued to be a…

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Woman of the Week: Kakenya Ntaiya

Incredible woman of the week: Kakenya Ntaiya Kakenya Ntaiya (born 1978) is a Kenyan educator, feminist, and social activist. She is the founder and president of the Kakenya Center for Excellence, a primary boarding school for girls in the Maasai village of Enoosaen. The first class of 32 students began in 2009. The center requires…

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Kenya Medical Strike is Over!

We are relieved to see that the 100 day medical strike over increased wages and better working conditions in Kenya has finally ended! The “Return to Work” deal showed that doctors will now earn between 56,000 and 70,000 shillings more per month ($540-680 more). In Kenya, many emergency rooms in public hospitals across the country…

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Woman of the Week: Dr. Virginia Apgar

During national Women’s History Month we will be posting a short biography of some of the most inspiring pioneers of women’s health every week. This week our woman in the spotlight is Dr. Virginia Apgar, M.D. Dr. Virginia Apgar, M.D., (born in 1909, and died in 1974) is best known for developing a standardized system…

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